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Don’t like how someone parked? Give ‘em a ticket 

Fear not, intrepid pedestrian, now there’s a way for you to let that inconsiderate motorist know how you feel about their parking job that doesn’t involve cussing.

President Solís demands explanation for spike in traffic jams

President Luis Guillermo Solís is asking the legislature to let him hire more than 1,000 new traffic officers, among other measures the government is pursuing in hopes of alleviating traffic.

Legislative Assembly passes bill to jumpstart electric train system

Costa Rica’s publicly-owned rail company has been given the green light to contract with private companies to create an electric rail system that the government hopes will help the country reduce carbon emissions and ease pressure on the country’s desperately choked roadways.

Taxi drivers to stage another demonstration against Uber

Members of the Union of Costa Rican Taxi Drivers will march Wednesday to demand that courts block the ride-hailing app Uber in Costa Rica.

Public Works minister defends government’s progress on infrastructure projects

Legislators put Public Works and Transport Minister Carlos Segnini in the hot seat this week, forcing him to defend the government's slow progress on promised highway projects.

Taxi fares in Costa Rica to drop again

Taxi fares in Costa Rica will drop 3 to 20 percent following new guidelines from the Public Services Regulatory Authority, despite opposition from drivers.
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Panama’s Roux Vows to End Corruption in Campaign Close

The opposition presidential candidate Rómulo Roux called on Panamanians this Wednesday at a campaign closing event to vote in the May 5 elections to...

Dental tourism, because Medicare doesn’t cover for dental treatment

C. Everett Koop, known for his tenure as U.S. surgeon general during the Reagan administration, was renowned for his pediatric surgery and attention to...

Costa Rica Environmentalists Threatened For Trying To Protect Threatened Wetlands

Ricardo Muñoz, a member of the environmental group Nido de Halcón (Hawk’s Nest), revealed that he has faced threats for his advocacy in defense...