The balancing act between profits and social impact is not an easy one to achieve. In defining the category of social entrepreneurship or social investment, many gray areas have emerged, and sometimes it’s hard to determine when a venture is truly social.
The startup world is going crazy for apps in Costa Rica, as around the globe - but real estate on your little screen is more expensive than most hopeful entrepreneurs care to consider. "Doing Business" takes a look at the challenge of creating a solution that people will actually use.
Being aware of the differences between the types of startups and the advantages and disadvantages of each can help entrepreneurs better prepare for the road ahead and make better decisions when making the leap.
Many local companies are still using the same bag of tricks to attract the best and brightest. If your current company or your future startup wants to make its people a competitive advantage, here are three changes you can start with - in this week's "Doing Business" column.
The right pieces seem to be there, but they’re not matching somehow. Entrepreneurs are still not talking the investors’ language; the investors are not yet very familiar or comfortable with the augmented risks of venture capital; and expats don't necessarily have the networks to find the right projects.
Volaris Costa Rica, the ultra–low–cost airline, announced new routes connecting Costa Rica with Orlando and Miami in the United States, as well as Guadalajara...
An artificial intelligence model created with characteristic data from Latin America to ensure the region's multicultural reality is not left behind in the development...
Salvadoran environmentalists accused President Nayib Bukele's government this Saturday of "persecution" and "harassment" for rejecting metal mining promoted by the president and held him...