The president expressed her “outrage” at Nicaragua’s "flouting" of the International Court of Justice’s precautionary measures regarding the border dispute between the two countries and called for harsher consequences for noncompliance with the world court's orders.
After more than a year in planning, the EU free trade agreement with Central America entered into full effect earlier this month, giving the region access to a market of more than 500 million Europeans.
The World Energy Council ranked Costa Rica as Latin America's energy sustainability leader in its 2013 report, thanks in part to the fact that the country generated over 90 percent of its electricity from renewable sources.
Costa Rica reached the third-highest penetration of Internet access in Latin America, but continues to lag behind many developing economies, according to a new report from UNESCO.
Bike advocacy group ChepeCletas, urban renewal group Pausa Urbana and others teamed up over the weekend to paint portraits on the ugly metal security gates along San José's Avenida Central. Watch the video here.