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Tico Times

2472 POSTS

Coffee-Production Degree Brewing

THE Costa Rican Coffee Institute(ICAFE) and the University of Costa Rica(UCR) are teaming up to create a universitycourse on the art of processing coffee.The...

Orchid Trees: The Hardy and Beautiful Addition to Your Home Garden

If you are a fan of orchids, then you will love orchid trees. Where orchids only flower once a year, the trees flower most...

Cultivating Tradition: Organic Cacao and Chocolate Making in Costa Rica

BRIBRI DE TALAMANCA – Most chocolate is sweet. For a group of organic farmers in Talamanca, in Costa Rica’s southern Caribbean zone, cultivating cacao...

Costa Rica Photography Exhibition Up Close and Personal

A SIMPLE photographic ambition reaching epic depths is propped on the walls of the Costa Rican-North American Cultural Center in San José. "People's Lives"...

Panama Lobster Population Faces Crisis as Fishing Practices Threaten Future

BOCAS DEL TORO, Panama – Experts from around Central America gathered in Panama City last week to discuss the status of the spiny lobster...

Cane Cutting in Costa Rica: Harsh Reality for Nicaraguan Laborers

Eighty machete-wielding cane cutters have swiped at the charred stalks in Grecia, in the Central Valley, since late January. After burning the undergrowth to...

Mail Delivered Six Years Late in Costa Rica

REMEMBER that book your aunt in Spain sent you years ago that never made it to your post office box? It may have arrived...

Costa Rica Diving: Hot Surface, Cold Depths in Pacific and Caribbean

The diving is hot throughout Costa Rica, but it’s getting cold as you drop deep. Warm surface temperatures are bathing both coasts, however, cooler...

Costa Rica’s Juan Santamaría: Exalted National Hero or Man of Legend

Juan Santamaría. You’ve flown into his airport, driven past his park and likely encountered dozens of statues bearing his likeness, but how much do...

Processions to Eggs: Costa Rica Expat Easter Traditions Differ

MANY Costa Ricans flock to the country’s shores during Semana Santa (Holy Week), while others solemnly gather and worship the religious holiday through processions....

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