IT pays to have rain forest around afarm, new research on a Costa Rican coffeeplantation suggests.U.S. scientists monitoring the effectsof bee pollination on Finca...
Moving abroad expert Erin VanRheenen released the first edition of her 432-page guide, “Living Abroad in Costa Rica,” by Avalon Travel Publishing, last September.
FOR the 18th consecutive year, CostaRica will host International Coffee Week(Sintercafé), one of the world’s mostimportant meetings of coffee producers,importers, exporters and consumers.Organizers say...
BETWEEN 150,000 and 200,000coffee pickers, most of whom are fromNicaragua and other countries, will participatein the coffee harvest in CostaRica, which is expected to...
IN Costa Rica, Halloween is not officially celebrated, but it appears to be seeping into the culture. Catholic priest William Rodríguez said the Catholic...