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Tico Times

2485 POSTS

Miskito Community Loses Its Forest

MANAGUA – Nicanor Polanco said he had no idea a hurricane was heading his way when he and his fellow cooperative members went out...

Confessions of a Retired Doctor: Looking Back on a Life in Medicine

The daily turmoil of a clinical practice leaves little room for reflection, but plenty for self-doubt. Did I get that melanoma in time; what...

Coffee Farmers Urged to Focus on Quality

MANAGUA – The keys to Nicaragua’s full recovery from the 2000-2004 global coffee crisis are to focus on quality, not quantity, and to create...

Ex-Panama Dictator Noriega Awaits U.S. Decision on France Extradition

MIAMI – U.S. District Judge William C. Turnoff ruled here Aug. 28 that former Panamanian dictator Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega can be extradited to...

Costa Ricans Choose Country’s Top Places to Visit

The uninhabited Isla del Coco off Costa Rica’s Pacific coast is the country’s most “wonderful” natural site, according to thousands of people whose opinions...

Learning Spanish in Costa Rica: Why Making Mistakes is Key

Ticos have an expression: “En boca cerrada, no entra mosca” (“In a closed mouth, no fly enters”). This means that the way to stay...

Costa Rica Scouts Celebrate One Hundred Years

Scouts around the world are celebrating their 100th anniversary, and the organization, despite having passed through some difficult years, is as vigorous as ever. Scouting...

Costa Rican Mothers Honored on Special Day

With flowers, kisses and fanfare resembling that of Christmas, Costa Ricans gave their mothers extra doses of love Wednesday, even though it was work...

Learning in Costa Rica: Action Verbs Abound in Spanish

In my last column, I explained how I tortured my English composition students by forcing them to cut out the boring and inelegant verb...

Country Promotes Coffee in Japan

Getting cups of Costa Rican coffee into the hands of Japanese citizens is the goal of a group of sellers who visited Tokyo last...

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