FINDING a job, getting married andhaving children are not out-of-the-ordinarygoals – unless you’ve been sentenced tolife in a U.S. prison.These are the dreams that...
TODAY Golfito and Flamingo, tomorrowPapagayo and Naranjo, and in theyears to come Playas del Coco andQuepos – if all of the marina proposals onCosta...
IMPORTS of cars, buses, motorcyclesand trucks to Costa Rica more thanquadrupled during the first quarter of thisyear, compared to the same period lastyear.Between January...
THE Central American Bank forEconomic Integration (CABEI) and theAndean Development Corporation(CAF) on Wednesday signed a $90 millionloan agreement with the CostaRican Petroleum Refinery (RECOPE)that...
U.S. fruit distributor Chiquita Brandsannounced it plans to increase the numberof pineapples it purchases from CostaRica. The company plans to transfer muchof its pineapple-export...
FLORIDA Ice & Farm, which ownsCosta Rica’s only large brewery,Cervecería Costa Rica, is planning toenter the vast U.S. market next month.The company will export...
ALTERRA Partners, the consortiumthat holds a 20-year contract to renovateand operate Juan Santamaría InternationalAirport, on Monday announced it plans toseek arbitration to solve the...
PRESIDENT Abel Pacheco and TzudanWu, Taiwan’s Ambassador to CostaRica, are expected today to sign the contractto build the long-awaited highwayconnecting the Northwest Central Valleycoffee...
THE Competition Promotion Officeof the Economy, Industry and CommerceMinistry (MEIC) has fined EmbotelladoraPanam-Tica, the national distributor ofCoca Cola brand soft drinks, ¢68 million($156,000) for...