In response to the mounting cost of medicalcare for smoking-related illnesses in CostaRica, the Social Security System (Caja) is analyzingthe possibility of suing the...
ON May 1, International Workers’ Day, representativesof the country’s labor unions, environmentalgroups and several left-leaning politicians plan toestablish a new political party – one...
A scorecard on sustainable tourism recently publishedby National Geographic Traveler Magazinegave Costa Rica what it called a “surprisinglymediocre score,” pointing to widespread deforestationand “poor...
TALK of proposals that would dramatically change the system under which most North Americans and Europeans apply for residency in Costa Rica has sparked...
NUEVA VIDA, CIUDAD SANDINO– Touting the slogan “Our Sweat, OurSales, Our Success,” a small sewing cooperativeof hurricane victims in a formerrefugee camp outside of...
MANAGUA – Nicaraguans of allpolitical persuasions joined this week inmourning the sudden death of LiberalConstitutional Party congressman PedroJoaquín Ríos, a leading supporter of formerPresident...
MANAGUA – Two hundred tourismsuppliers, buyers and travel agents fromaround the world descended on the capitalof Nicaragua this week for the sixth annualTravel Exchange...
SUSPECTED pedophile ArthurKanev is expected to become the firstU.S. citizen extradited to Costa Rica toface a criminal trial, after a U.S. federaljudge in Florida...
FRIENDS throughout the world aremourning the death of Patricia Riley, whoalong with her husband Tommy Thomasowned the Ark Herb Farm in the hillsabove Heredia....
APPROXIMATELY 100 NorthernZone campesinos have been camping outat the Metropolitan Cathedral in downtownSan José since Sunday with the hopeof gaining permanent rights to a...