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Don Mateo


Life and Lessons on a Remote Costa Rican Farm

A friend of mine bought a farm in a remote area of Costa Rica. The nearest village was a few kilometers away, and the...

Costa Rica History: Getting Around The Voting Day Booze Ban

The first Sunday in February is the traditional Costa Rica election day. This year, the elections are mainly for alcaldes (mayors) and their supporting...

The Seedy Underbelly of Craigslist Jobs in Costa Rica

Craigslist, that catch-all worldwide classified advertising site, has always been a go to for me, when looking for any job possibilities here in Costa...

8 Types of Expats You’ll Meet in Costa Rica (And How to Avoid Being One!)

Costa Rica expects to receive upwards of 3 million tourists in 2024. Most are cool. They will visit for a week or two. Some...

Rural Costa Ricans Rely on Unique Weather Folklore

Is 2024 going to be a long, hot, dry year? Well, if you believe in the Costa Rican tradition known as ‘’pintando los dias’’,...

Tips for Living in Costa Rica on a Shoestring Budget

So you are on a limited budget, but love Costa Rica and want to live here permanently. Everything seems more expensive than expected. The...

Why Do People Keep Calling Me “Tomás”?

My name is Mateo. Most people remember my name once we have met, but for some inexplicable reason, there are a number of Costa...

Costa Rica Rings in School Graduation Season for All Ages 

December in Costa Rica is not just for tamales, family get-togethers, loud fireworks displays, the annual Gordo lottery drawing, and skinny, sunburnt Santas. It...

Barefoot Memories: The Street Wanderer of Quepos Costa Rica

Recently I saw a photo on a Facebook page dedicated to residents of Quepos. Below his photo was his name and QDEP (Que Decansa...

Microclimates Make Costa Rica A Miniature Natural Marvel

I was talking with a tourist from Colombia. He said that Costa Rica was beautiful and wild and contained astounding naturaleza, but that Colombia...

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