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Don Mateo


Spinning Political Satire: Costa Rica Contenders Court the Vote With Fiction

The next presidential election in Costa Rica is still a couple years away, and if it is anything like the 2022 election, where there...

Tales of a 30-Something Divorcé Navigating Costa Rica Dating

For a brief couple of years back in the 90s, I was a single man living in Costa Rica. Recently divorced, still in my...

20 Things I Do Living in Costa Rica That I’d Never Do in the USA

After more than three decades living in Costa Rica, I still think back to my life stateside, and how it would have compared to...

Reflections on the Rise and Fall of a Costa Rica Rehab Center

It is an odd feeling to return to a town or an area where you had once spent time, only to find that a...

The Art of the Con: How Swindlers Thrive in Costa Rica

Anyone who has spent significant time in Costa Rica has a rip-off story to tell. From a credit card used without authorization to an...

Beating the Heat: 6 Tips for Staying Safe from Costa Rica’s Intense Sun

Is it hot enough for you? Our tropical, equatorial February sun is relentless, especially between the hours of 9am and 4pm. At midday, it...

Bukele’s Rule in El Salvador: Dictatorship or Democracy?

When is a dictator not a dictator? Is it when he secures over 80% of the vote, or when his party dominates the congress...

Life and Lessons on a Remote Costa Rican Farm

A friend of mine bought a farm in a remote area of Costa Rica. The nearest village was a few kilometers away, and the...

Costa Rica History: Getting Around The Voting Day Booze Ban

The first Sunday in February is the traditional Costa Rica election day. This year, the elections are mainly for alcaldes (mayors) and their supporting...

The Seedy Underbelly of Craigslist Jobs in Costa Rica

Craigslist, that catch-all worldwide classified advertising site, has always been a go to for me, when looking for any job possibilities here in Costa...

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