A N G L E R Shave been blessedwith an outrageousmarlin bite thatwent into full swingthe middle of lastweek on the northernPacific coast,when the Capullowent six releasesfor 10 striped marlinstrikes, alongwith some sails, a 40-pound wahoo and a30-pound dorado, skipper Steve Curtisreported.I’ve been writing about fishing herefor 20 years, and that is the best one-daymarlin release record I’ve heard of on asingle boat. I hope someone will correctme if I’m wrong.ALSO last week, Steve reported SonnyKocsis scored a super grand slam, withblue, black and striped marlin and sailfishreleases the same day on his boat, theWetass II. Two other boats also had slams,with three of Costa Rica’s four billfishspecies the same day.Skippers reported the fish were spreadout halfway between Tamarindo andCarrillo, about 15 miles offshore midweek,but at the end of the fishing day lastSunday, Steve said they were right in frontof Tamarindo.Skippers also reported bluebird weather,and that the winds that often blow longand hard in that area this time of year havelain down.Skippers of the Carrillo-based boatsKitty Kat and Kingfisher said they had alsobeen finding plenty of marlin through lastweek, running three or four releases a day,but by Sunday they had slowed appreciablythere, and they were having to hunt forthem to the north.SKIPPERS we have talked to agreethis has also been an unusually good seasonfor wahoo and big dorado, fromCarrillo all the way north, which I personallywould much rather catch thanmarlin or sails, and both are mighty fineeating.Billfish aren’t rated very high as eatingfish, but under local regulations they mustbe released alive after you get them to posefor the camera.AS this is written, we have had noreports from any fishing operators south ofCarrillo, which is kind of strange as theentire central and southern coastal regionhas been enjoying some incredible actionover the past couple of months.Hard to believe it could have shutdown.AS of last Monday morning, Dan Wisereported from the northern Caribbean thatthe sea has been flat outside the rivermouth at Barra Colorado and the waterlevel in the river is at its seasonal low, withlots of sun and clear skies.The Río Colorado Lodge operatorsaid every fisherman out in the past weekhad caught and released at least one tarpon,adding, “there are a lot of large jackcrevalle at the river mouth snatchingbaits from the tarpon, and big Spanishmackerel cutting the lines of anglersfighting tarpon.”For more information on fishing or forassistance in planning a trip to Costa Rica,e-mail Jerry at jruhlow@costaricaoutdoors.com, visit www.costaricaoutdoors.com or call our Costa Rica officetoll free from the United States or Canadaat 1-800-308-3394.Skippers, operators and anglers areinvited to contact Jerry with fishing reportsby Sunday of each week. Call or fax 282-6743 within Costa Rica or write to the emailaddress above.
Today in Costa Rica