WITH only one more date left on theCircuito (April 9-10 in Nosara) before thefinals in Hermosa (May 28-29), the racefor the 2005 national champion is comingdown to the wire. In the open categoryit’s going to be close between 2004 winnerSolano, winner of the first three datesin 2005, and Luis “Coco” Hernández,who won the Dominical contest.Coming into this weekend, Solano wasranked first with 5,590 total points, Hernándezsecond with 3,530. In the women’scategory, last year’s champion LisbethVindas and Argentinean-born Laura Pecorarowill battle it out over the next twomonths. Circuito judges agree both womenare surfing at a high level, as shown bytheir pre-Jacó averages: Pecoraro 5,025and Vindas 4,500. Jacó’s earned pointswill be tallied in and new rankings postedthis week at www.surfingcr.com.Results of the Playa Jacó tournamentwere as follows:Open: Luis Vindas, Alvaro Solano,Germaine Medrano, Luis Hernández;Women: Lisbeth Vindas, Anna Garaway,Laura Pecoraro, Vanesa Bustillo; Junior:Juan Carlos Naranjo, Isaac Vega, RonaldBrown, Matt Chellemi; Boys: Jairo Pérez,Rodrigo Froilano, Matt Chellemi, NikolaRuhlow; Grommet: Ariel Aguero, RudyJiménez, Carlos Muñoz, Simon Wettstein;Mini-Grommet: Carlos Muñoz, MaycolTorrez Mueillo, Simon Wettstein, ManuelDíaz; Longboard: Brennan Clarke, DannyRyder, Esteban Leiton, Rick Thornsley;Boogie Board: Marlon Sandoval, CarlosJiménez, Walter Gatgens, Ivan Castillo.
Today in Costa Rica