FOR the third successive year, theLittle Theatre Group is hosting “The Angelof Love” fundraising Christmas Concert, at2 p.m., on Sunday, November 19, Thegroup El Ebano (two violins, viola, andcello) will perform a mixed programincluding traditional Christmas music.Members of the National SymphonyOrchestra, Ana Alfaro, Gabriela Alfaro,Catherine Hayes and Mercedes Rodríguezhave volunteered once again, to donatetime and talent. This delightful concertraises funds for the Hogar Tom & Norman,a home for abandoned old folks inGuápiles. Admission is free, but donationsof non-perishable food, linens, toiletries,cleaning materials, Christmas treats or cashwould be very much appreciated. Call DonHavener at 282-7794, or Ann Antkiw at282-5164.
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