RESTAURANTS who look north fortheir beef, duck, sausage and spices werecelebrated last week by the U.S. Embassyin San José.The embassy bestowed seven of thecountry’s most-known restaurants with theU.S. Department of Agriculture’s GreatAmerican Quality Award for participatingin a new embassy project that promotesthe use of U.S. ingredients.“It’s an excellent opportunity for SanJosé restaurants to be creative with newproducts from the United States, butusing traditions and themes common inCosta Rica,” said Katherine Nishiura,agriculture attaché to the embassy. “Theyknow their clients and they know theirtalents, so each restaurant asks itself,‘What can we do in conjunction withproducts from the U.S. and ingredientsfrom Costa Rica?’”Frances Canal, chef from participatingrestaurant at the Hotel Grano de Oro indowntown San José, said he is particularlyimpressed with the North American duck,which he called “richer and juicier” thanthe duck he has found here.Hotel Grano de Oro has a deliciousduck al’orange on its menu and offersduck comfit and pate for special events.Other participating restaurants, includingLukas in El Pueblo and The CapitalGrill in Escazú, now offer Angus beefsteaksand prime rib.Other restaurants honored for servingU.S. ingredients include: Bakea in SanJosé’s Barrio Amón, Jurgen’s Restaurant inSan José’s Los Yoses neighborhood, LaLuz in Escazú, and Tintos & Blancos WineBar and Restaurant.
Today in Costa Rica