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Preserving Costa Rica’s Sloths

The Sloth Conservation Foundation (SloCo) highlights two major threats to sloths in Costa Rica: lack of public awareness and uncontrolled urban expansion destroying their habitat. SloCo addresses these issues through educational initiatives, community training, and collaboration with authorities to enhance conservation policies. They also conduct scientific research, reforestation programs, and install tree bridges for sloths. Fundraising efforts include an “adopt a sloth” program. SloCo urges Costa Ricans to protect sloths by reporting sightings and promoting wildlife respect. So far, they’ve installed 286 sloth crossings and planted over 8,000 trees.

Costa Rica’s Los Santos Plantation

The Los Santos coffee plantation area in Dota, Costa Rica, is being considered for recognition as an Agricultural World Heritage Site by the FAO. This designation highlights agricultural systems that blend food production with rural life, biodiversity, and sustainable practices. The initiative aims to preserve cultural heritage, promote rural tourism, and implement best practices. Costa Rica’s Vice Minister of Agriculture and Livestock supports the nomination, emphasizing the region’s historical and cultural significance. The initiative is part of a broader effort to recognize and protect valuable agricultural landscapes worldwide.

Fraudulent Cab Drivers

The Judicial Investigation Organization (OIJ) in Costa Rica has uncovered scams targeting tourists from Europe and the U.S. Fraudsters pose as cab drivers, using badges to appear official and taking longer routes to charge up to $200. They also take tourists to ATMs to withdraw cash. Additionally, there are rental scams where advertised vacation homes don’t match the actual properties. The OIJ advises tourists to use reliable booking platforms and be wary of unofficial cabs. Airports and terminals should provide fare information to help tourists avoid these scams.

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