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Costa Rica battles rising dengue fever outbreak

Costa Rica experienced a surge in dengue fever cases. The uptick was concentrated in the Central North, Central South, and Central Pacific regions, with the cantons of Alajuela, San José, Puntarenas, Turrialba and Atenas being hardest hit. Though no deaths occurred, health authorities ramped up interventions like fumigations, breeding site cleanups, and door-to-door inspections aimed at curbing the outbreak and preventing further spread of the mosquito-borne virus. Officials urge public cooperation with prevention measures while noting that consistent elimination of standing water sources is key to disrupting dengue transmission.

Airbnb Alert on Currency Charges for Travelers

Airbnb announced important policy changes taking effect in March and April 2024, including newly imposed fees on bookings involving multiple currencies. When guests pay in a different currency than the one hosts set for listings, Airbnb will charge up to 2% more on the total booking cost. Alongside expanded terms and conditions and privacy rules also being instituted, Airbnb states the updates aim to support operational complexities while providing value. All users must review and consent to the new policies by March 28 to continue accessing the platform, with the option to delete accounts if unwilling to agree to the altered terms.

Costa Rica’s $75 Million Fishing Industry Overhaul Raises Red Flags

Costa Rica’s $75 million World Bank-financed sustainable fishing program, intended to economically uplift coastal communities while protecting fisheries, has alarmingly stalled due to the lead agency’s financial mismanagement and failure to engage stakeholders or utilize funds. This squandering of resources amid unchecked overfishing and habitat loss represents a devastating setback that jeopardizes the industry’s future sustainability. Urgent action is needed to get the initiative back on track through transparent governance, research on threatened species, and ensuring fishermen benefit in order to safeguard both environmental and community wellbeing across Costa Rica’s vulnerable coasts.

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