THE U.S. Embassy in San José issueda strong warning last week when it declaredthe San José shopping center and popularnightclub hotspot El Pueblo off-limitsto its personnel after a deadly shooting.The Regional Security Officer (RSO)at the embassy reported that a bar patronin the center shot off several dozen roundsat those in the bar with a machine gun onJune 6, killing a security guard.The original message is available on theembassy’s Web site at, oron the U.S. State Department site at Information on other potentialthreats to U.S. citizens is available on thosesites as well. Travelers can also call 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the U.S., or 1-202-501-4444 outside the U.S. and Canada forup-to-date security conditions information.The Consular Section of the Embassymay be contacted for further updates on theEl Pueblo issue. Call 519-2000, then ask forthe American Citizens Services unit.