THE family and many friends of journalistIsaura Esquivel are mourning herdeath in San José July 28 following a longillness. She was 48.Esquivel, who founded and edited themonthly magazine A Toda Vela, has sufferedfrom rheumatorid arthritis for years,yet continued working and was known forher indomitable cheerfulness. Despite herhealth problems, she was able to travelseveral times to visit her sister, photographerMaría Elena Esquivel, in Washington,DC. for sightseeing and shopping.Isaura is survived by her father, Gustavo,her sister, María Elena, and her brothersAlain and Gregorio. The family is donatinga microwave oven in Isaura’s name tothe Rheumatology Ward in CalderónGuardia Hospital, “Isaura’s second home,”so patients there can have hot meals.