THE National Statistics and CensusInstitute (INEC) this week began its annualMulti-Purpose Household Survey toobtain data about poverty, unemploymentrates and – new this year – the use ofinformation technology.At the request of the state-run CostaRican Electricity Institute (ICE), whichhas a monopoly on telecommunications,the 103 INEC officials conducting thisyear’s survey will ask people about theirownership and use of computers, fixedand mobile phones, fax machines, cabletelevision and Internet access.Surveyors sporting INEC badges andT-shirts will visit a total of 13,708 randomlyselected residences in 79 of thecountry’s 81 cantons between now andAug. 10, the institute said in a statement.The Household Survey has been conductedevery year since 1987. This year’sproject will cost an estimated ¢115 million($241,000).INEC expects to release preliminaryresults of the survey in October, the statementsaid.
Today in Costa Rica