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Monthly Archives: July, 2013

Resort near Jacó takes World Traveler Award for leading hotel in Mexico and Central America

In 2012, the same five-star resort was named Costa Rica’s leading hotel and had been nominated for leading hotel in Mexico and Central America.

Pilgrims march to Cartago in devotion to Costa Rica’s patron saint

Millions are expected to participate in the annual pilgrimage, which comes just after the Vatican's confirmation of a Costa Rica miracle.

Protesters clash with San José police at Simón Bolívar Zoo’s anniversary party

Three activists were arrested during the demonstration in front of the zoo on Sunday.

Time to legalize marijuana in Mexico City

A growing number of Mexicans are asking logical questions: Why should their leaders follow a path that provokes violence, generates human rights violations, erodes the country’s image abroad and costs a fortune?

Nicaraguan officials unveil flashy new Chávez memorial

A roundabout newly dedicated to the late Venezuelan leader is appropriately garish.

Ticos abroad can now register online to vote in 2014 elections

Some 8,700 Tico expats are currently registered to vote in presidential elections next year – only a fraction of the estimated 300,000 who live abroad.

Cuba marks 60 years since start of communist revolution

Leftist presidents from Uruguay, Venezuela, Bolivia and Nicaragua were all on hand to commemorate the event, along with some 10,000 Cubans and foreigners.

Pope speaks to youth alienated by church’s sins

Vatican officials have made no secret of the fact that the pope's first trip abroad since his election aims to re-energize followers.

Former Costa Rican president tells CNN, ‘We should be ashamed of this poverty’

Óscar Arias said that democracy has not "yielded fruit" when it comes to fighting poverty in Central America.

Jaguar attacks take out livestock in northern Costa Rica

Environment Ministry officials order farmers to leave the cats alive while they search for solutions.

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