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Monthly Archives: July, 2013

Massive photo project to showcase Costa Rica’s diversity, people

The colorful work of Argentine photographer Lucas Iturriza will be displayed in western San José's La Sabana Park to celebrate Costa Rica's diversity.

U.S. donates $4 million to Costa Rica to fight drug, weapon smuggling at border

Funds will purchase weapons, technology, personnel and a new office near the planned highway connecting Nicaragua and Costa Rica.

Pope says don’t smoke dope, but some Ticos disagree

The Medical Cannabis Costa Rica movement is confident that their referendum to legalize medical marijuana would offer health benefits and tax revenue for the government.

Strong winds whip Escazú, Curridabat

Meteorologists say a high-pressure front over the Caribbean that is causing strong winds could also bring heavy rain over the weekend.

Campaign to stop turtle egg consumption is hurting Ostional program, locals say

A program to selectively harvest sea turtle eggs at the Pacific beach has been in place since 2007.

Spain probe into rail crash that killed 80 focuses on speed

The tragedy occurred on a line that is part of the high-speed network that successive governments have made a symbol of the nation's modernization.

USAID, green groups target climate change in Guatemala

Guatemala is one of the lowest per-capita generators of carbon emissions in Latin America, but one of the countries most at-risk for the consequences of climate change.

Job fair offers 4,000 posts this weekend

Free lectures on improving job search skills will be available to all attendants.

Annexation of Guanacaste: Moments of Celebration

Photographic highlights from yesterday's Annexation of Guanacaste festivities in Nicoya.

On Mexico’s western front, cartel violence escalates

Despite gains, the reality is that the grinding battle against organized crime is being fought on multiple fronts.

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