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HomeTopicsBusinessRussia to open market for Costa Rican beef products

Russia to open market for Costa Rican beef products

Health authorities from Russia arrived in Costa Rica Tuesday to evaluate trade possibilities for local animal products, the Agriculture and Livestock Ministry reported.

Starting this week, the foreign delegation will evaluate National Animal Health Service facilities as well as local farms and slaughterhouses, through June 1.

Meat, leather and milk from Tico companies including GICO, El Arreo, Montecillos, Visión Comercial and Dos Pinos are being considered for export potential.

Members of the Russian delegation will audit official controls, regulations and protocols of epidemiological surveillance. As part of the procedure to allow exports to Russia, experts will also evaluate Costa Rica’s systems for disease reports, drug-residue controls, food safety in processing plants and hazard-analysis systems.

After the mission’s final report, local firms will have to wait for the official approval from the Russian government to export their products.

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