Semana Santa, the traditional holy week celebration that inevitably involves massive consumption of alcohol and all the collateral poor judgment that comes with it, continues to claim a wartime-like death toll on Central America.
The week of partying this year claimed at least 275 lives in region, according to preliminary police statistics. An additional 659 people were injured.
Guatemala reported 102 deaths last week, including 50 people killed in acts of violence, 30 in automobile accidents and 12 drownings. An additional 225 Guatemalans were injured and 200 arrested, according to the National Civil Police (PNC).
In Nicaragua, 95 people died during the week, up 30 percent from last year. In one particularly gruesome automobile accident in Rivas, 12 people – all of whom were ages 17 to 26 – were killed April 3 when a pickup truck lost control on the highway and slammed into a bus.
In total, 28 Nicaraguans died in auto accidents, 26 in homicides and 41 people drowned.
In Honduras, at least 52 people died (30 in auto accidents and 22 drownings) and 65 were injured. In El Salvador, meanwhile, police reported 366 automobile accidents last week, claiming the lives of 37 people and injuring more than 300 others.
In Costa Rica, at least 21 people died last week, while in Panama police reported 9 Semana Santa casualties.
–Nica Times & EFE