How is it possible that emergency room patients in Puerto Jiménez in the Southern Zone are being attended by an emergency care doctor across the Golfo Dulce in Golfito?
The new virtual medical system available to patients in the Southern Zone is thanks to the new “telemedicine” program the Social Security System (Caja) has coordinated in conjunction with the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE), which has videoconferencing capabilities, according to an ICE statement.
Teleconferencing allows real time audio and video communication, and can be used for medical consulting, distance education, international business meetings, to carry out transactions, and telemarketing, among other uses.
The Caja and the StateUniversity at a Distance (UNED) have their own videoconferencing equipment.
ICE Corporate Services rents and installs videoconferencing equipment; for information call 210-1919. The institute also rents out a teleconferencing room at its headquarters in Sabana Norte, in western San José. The room, which can accommodate 15 people, rents for $23 an hour.