Dear Nica Times:
I write looking for support in internationally denouncing the abuse of women’s rights in my country.
Currently the National Assembly is about to approve a new Penal Code that would penalize therapeutic abortion here (NT, Sept. 8, Oct. 13).
The access of women and young girls to abortion for medical reasons constitutes a basic right to preserving the lives of women.
This right is recognized by the great majority of countries in the world.
Penalizing this would be a huge setback to the legislation in our country by politicians who are manipulating the issue for electoral purposes.
The situation has been denounced internationally by organizations that defend human rights, such as: Human Rights Watch; International Women’s Health Coalition; International Planned Parenthood Federation;World Population Foundation; Catholics for a Free Choice; Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries; European Youth Network on Sexual and Reproductive Rights; among others.
These are organizations that support the position of the feminist movement and other organizations here that are working to ensure the rights of women and children in Nicaragua are protected under the new Penal Code.
Cecilia Espinoza