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Monthly Archives: August, 2006

What’s the Rush? Slow Food Is Here

At the end of the day, the strains of modern life can leave us dragging ourselves to a microwave, reheating leftovers and scarfing them...

Petfinder Founders Find Treasure on the Beach

It’s fun to dream of finding a treasure on the beach, something special and unexpected lying in the sand. But treasures are often hard...

Stingless Bee Honey All the Buzz

I remember always being scared of bee stings as a child. I also have fond memories of my mother making me a delicious hot...

Proyecto Asís Offers Spanish Classes and Volunteer Opportunities in San Carlos

When Alvaro del Castillo wanted to start a Spanish school in the middle of the rain forest, people told him he would fail. No one...

Country Scores High in Happiness

Are you happy? Scientists say you are more likely to be if you live here. Two recent surveys rank Costa Rica among the world’s happiest countries. The...

Ticos Call for Peace in Middle East

While images of Lebanese children’s corpses getting dug out of the rubble circled the world, the Costa Rican government, activists and concerned citizens this...

Immigration Law: Dead on Arrival?

Confusion and conflict continue to surround the new Immigration Law, but one thing became clear this week: foreigners aren’t likely to notice any difference...

Western Cantons Hold Traditional-Food Contest

Costa Rican cooks in the cantons of Escazú,Mora and Santa Ana, west of San José, will put their abuelas’ recipes to the test this...

Charity Surf Classic a Huge Success

In a country where real estate companies often get cast as the baddies, last weekend one such company in Tamarindo, on the northern Pacific...

Guatemalan Village Hunts Down Killer Crocodile

GUATEMALA CITY – A group of indigenous villagers in the rural north of Guatemala on Tuesday hunted down and killed a crocodile that devoured...

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