THE first Gotas y Notas Festivalwill take place this month in the outdooramphitheater in Monteverde, inthe north-central region of the country.Artists invited to participate includeMalpaís, Peregrino Gris, Mexicandance group La Lágrima, Gandhi,Grupo JMK and Walter Flores’ Son deTiquicia.“The idea behind the festival is torecapture what was done with theMonteverde Music Festival, which for11 years showcased the country’snational talent,” said Patricia Maynard,producer and owner of the MonteverdeAmphitheater.Celtic-music band Peregrino Griskicks off the festival this Sunday, andwill also be performing Monday, July4. Performances are scheduledthroughout July, including a first-timeappearance at the amphitheater by celebratedCosta Rican group Malpaís,July 21 and 22.The festival is sponsored byBromelias Spa, Banco Nacional,Interbus, Hotel El Bosque, GaleríaColibrí and Radio 95.5 Jazz.All concerts start at 5:30 p.m.Admission costs ¢2,000 ($4.20) forCosta Ricans and locals, $10 for foreignvisitors and $7 for foreign students.For reservations, call 645-6272.
Today in Costa Rica