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Monday, December 2, 2024

Tarpon Fishing at Barra Good Despite Rains

DESPITEheavy on-and-offrains at BarraColorado, on thenorthern Caribbeancoast, the fishinghas been incredible,but with no clearpattern. I spent acouple of days at theRío Colorado Lodgelast week, hoping toget some photos ofthe big grouper and cubera caught thereover the past three years by Minnesotaoutdoor writer Dan Gapen and BobberAnnie Orth, who first discovered the presenceof the mammoth fish three years agowhile here on their annual trip.They now come down every yearabout this time and have caught severalgrouper, including a 300-pounder, and seta new International Game FishAssociation (IGFA) world record oncubera. They got nothing to the boat thistime around, however; although theyhooked and battled seven, they couldn’tget them off the bottom.Even with the intermittent rains, thetarpon fishing at Barra continues at anincredible pace, with the fish just outsidethe breaker line, and big schools of jackcrevalle to 40 pounds spicing the action.GARY and Judy Kinney, fromLakewood, Colorado, boated 15 tarponand jumped many more on a five-daytrip this week. With six boats and 11fishermen out last Thursday, the total atthe lodge was 49 tarpon jumped and 32landed.As of last Monday, Phil Hoover ofNaples, Florida, on the fourth day of hissemi-annual trip, had scored 32 big jacks,jumped 27 tarpon and caught and releasedeight silver rockets, despite breaking hisnew St. Croix rod on a monster Sunday.Phil is the founder of the vacuum cleanercompany bearing his name, and this washis 26th trip to the lodge.COSTA Rica Outdoors clients Marvinand Mary Skinner and their boys Blairand Matt, from Opelika, Alabama, flewinto the lodge on Sunday for one day offishing, and all boated a big tarpon andjumped several more, with some triplehookups going.From there they are heading to LakeArenal, in north-central Costa Rica, wherethey will be fishing with guide TersioHidalgo. If there are no changes in theweather, they should do well.Hidalgo is the guide on the lake I usuallyfish with there, and he reports consistentaction, with 10-12 rainbow bass everyday, including a monster 12-pounder hecaught late last week; we’re waiting forthe photo.ON the northern Pacific coast, theCapullo skipper reported at noon lastMonday that rain and wind had moved inthat day, but he expects it to quit by theend of the week. He adds there has beentoo much bait in the water, and while theyare seeing a dozen sails and the occasionalmarlin every day, they aren’t readilyhitting. Some tuna are around as well, butnothing red-hot.No reports in the past week from anyonefishing from Carrillo south to Golfito,so my guess is they aren’t getting anythingto brag about.For more info on fishing or assistancein planning a trip to Costa Rica, contactJerry at jruhlow@costaricaoutdoors.comor visit, operators and anglers areinvited to contact Jerry with fishingreports by Sunday of each week. Call orfax 282-6743 within Costa Rica or writeto the e-mail address above.


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