THE Boomer Esiason Foundationwill be holding its annual Costa RicaClassic billfish tournament this weekendout of Quepos, on the centralPacific coast, in support of the CostaRican Cystic Fibrosis Association.Last year’s tournament raised$10,000, which the association used tobuy medical equipment and expensivemedicines to benefit nearly 100 childrensuffering from the disease.Founded by former NFL footballstar Boomer Esiason after his youngson Gunnar was diagnosed with thedisease in 1993, the foundation worksto heighten education and awarenessof cystic fibrosis, provide a betterquality of life for those affected bycystic fibrosis, and support research todiscover a cure for the frequently fatalgenetic disease.For information on the tournament,visit; forinformation on the foundation,
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