THE Engineers’ and Architects’Association (CFIA) announced last weekthat Costa Rica’s construction sectorexperienced 25% growth in 2004.Between January and December 2004,4.3 million square meters of constructionwere registered with the association, upfrom 3.4 million during the same periodin 2003, according to a statement from theorganization.Housing makes up 45% of that total,with the remaining 55% made up of stateand private-sector projects in industry,commerce and tourism.The northwestern province ofGuanacaste experienced the steepestgrowth at 76%, followed by Heredia andPuntarenas with 46% and 42%, respectively.Cartago (11%) and Alajuela (8%)were the provinces with the lowestgrowth rates.The largest number of square metersconstructed was in the province of SanJosé, with 35% of the country’s totalconstruction.
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