ARTIST Narice Tichenor, who is originally from Texas, has afew of her paintings on display at Café de Artistas in Escazú.Tichenor’s bold and colorful paintings will be shown throughSeptember along with three other artists whose works are all on saleat the front room of the colorful café.The front room is generally reserved for well-known artists, saidowner Bill Hill, and the back room is now occupied with paintingsby Michael Crawford, whose work is being sold to benefitCorcovado National Park (TT, Feb. 27). As an incentive, Hill is alsooffering a free Corcovado T-shirt for every Crawford painting that issold.“I went to a show for Mike (Crawford) and I really liked theplace and so I asked to show my work there,” Tichenor said.Tichenor’s three paintings are currently the only art by a non-Tico artist in the front room.ALTHOUGH she is sharing the room with very well-knownartists, Tichenor didn’t start out as a painter. First, she was a graphicartist and became involved in advertising and then dropped out of thebusiness after marrying. She spent her artistically-inclined free timepainting, mostly acrylic and watercolor.She describes her work as “hard” or “edgy.”“They’re sure different; there’s no doubt about it,” Hill said.“A lot of my ideas come to me from things like the late-night horrormovies,” she said. “They’re just ideas that kind of float to me.”Her art is also on display at the Haliconia Galeria in Jacó and atthe Toad Hall in Arenal. Most of her paintings sell between $150 and$500.THE other artists on display are Dina Lawson, Victor Chavarríaand Victor López, whose work is only shown in a few select galleriesacross the country.Café de Artistas is located 100 meters south of the Rolex Plaza inEscazú and is open Monday-Saturday 8 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday 8a.m.-4 p.m.
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