A jazz trio from New York Universitywill perform at the Eugene O’Neill Theaterin San José at 7:30 p.m. today.The group is comprised of JonathanLorentz on saxophone, Paul Defiglia onbass, and Joseph Salvati on drums.“They will play jazz standards and originalcompositions,” said Manuel Arce, thetheater’s cultural director.The performance is third in the theater’spopular Promising Artists of the 20thCentury program.“Promising Artists isan inter-cultural programthat brings musical talentfrom students in the UnitedStates to Costa Rica. Theidea is not only to playconcerts but to teach CostaRican musical students,”Arce said. “And the (visiting)musicians also learn alittle bit about Costa Ricanculture. While here, theylive with host families tomake it a more interactivecross-cultural experience.”ACCORDING to Arce, the musicianswill be busy during their week-long stay.The main concert is today, and tomorrowthey are scheduled to perform at theWomen’s Club of Costa Rica’s “MimosaMorning” fund-raiser at 11 a.m. at theBelgium Ambassador’s residence. The ticketdonation for the fund-raiser is ¢10,000per person.The trio will hold a jam session at theAcademia Music Bach in San Pedro from 5-8 p.m. (which is open to the public).Yesterday, the group performed a concertat Universidad ULACIT.“They have three cross-cultural sessionswith students of cultural center,” Arceadded. “And they are going to ride a rainforestaerial tram to get to know a little bitof Costa Rica.”ARCE explained that from 1988 to2001 the program, which is financed byprivate sponsors, was called MusicalArtists Performing Arts Series and featuredonly music. In 2001 the programadded dance and musical theater to its lineup.“This program proves that private initiativescan make possiblecross-cultural interactionsbetween United Statesuniversities and hostcountries,” Arce said.Previous performancesin the seriesincluded jazz groups fromthe Juilliard School ofMusic in New York inMay and San Diego StateUniversity in California inJune.In August, Kansas’sEmporia State Universitywill perform a musical, aUniversity of Colorado dance group willvisit in September and Florida StateUniversity will offer a classical music performancein October.The Eugene O’Neill Theater is locatedat the Costa Rican-North American CulturalCenter in Los Yoses (an eastern San Joséneighborhood).Call 207-7554 or 207-7555 for ticketsor info. General admission tickets are¢2,000 ($4.60), ¢1,500 ($3.40) for studentsand senior citizens.