THE new Contemporary PhotographyMuseum of Costa Rica is showing adiverse series of photographs by museumfounder Faustino Desinach.The 380 photographs, on displaythrough July 31, encompass many aspectsof the Costa Rican way of life.Some portraits address topics of age –“the childhood, adolescence, and maturityof the Costa Rican individual,” Desinachsaid – while others capture landscapes andthe country’s flora and fauna.“The central idea of the museum isthe cultural and social rescue of CostaRica, a rescue of historical facts throughphotography,” the photographer said.Desinach, 45, has been taking photographsof his native Costa Rica sinceage 28. He has worked as a painter and awriter, but he was inspired by photographygalleries and museums while workingin New York City in the 1990s anddecided to focus solely on photography.UPON his return to Costa Rica severalyears ago, he decided to open a museum.“I wanted photography to have itsown space,” Desinach said. “Here inCosta Rica, the museums have given aspace to photography from time to time.But they only get the space one or twotimes a year and not every year.”The museum, which opened June 15,will have permanent galleries and rotatingexhibits, according to the museum’sWeb site http://faustinodesinachcr.tripod.comStarting Aug. 3, the museum will runwork by professors and students ofColegio Universitario de Alajuela(CUNA). In October and November, ageneral exhibition of photographs bynature and press photographers is scheduled.The museum is located 100 meterseast and 25 meters north of Plaza de laCultura, on the west side of the BalmoralHotel. It is open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Entrance is ¢500. For more info,call 221-5552.
Today in Costa Rica