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Guanacaste’s Tourism Paradise Faces Security Challenges

Guanacaste, a popular tourist destination in Costa Rica known for its luxury hotels, beautiful beaches, and diverse wildlife, is grappling with rising crime, particularly small-scale drug sales. Business owners and chamber representatives emphasize the need for enhanced security measures to maintain the province’s appeal. Despite recent efforts, such as installing 320 surveillance cameras in strategic areas, local leaders stress the urgency of addressing the primary security concerns, including a shortage of police and resources. They call for increased government support and public-private partnerships to ensure the safety and prosperity of the region.

Costa Rica on the Brink of a Garbage Crisis

Costa Rica faces an impending garbage crisis due to severe landfill issues, warned Health Minister Mary Munive. With eight landfills nearing closure and the Los Pinos landfill already shut down, Munive urged municipalities to implement recycling plans and improve waste management. She highlighted that San José alone produces 47 percent of the nation’s waste, yet less than 10 percent of the population recycles, reflecting a lack of recycling culture. The government’s new waste management policy, La Ruta de Salud Ambiental, aims to increase recycling to 25 percent by 2033 and ensure 34percent of the territory has garbage collection, addressing this looming public health crisis.

President Proposes Gold Mining in Northern Costa Rica

President Rodrigo Chaves of Costa Rica has proposed exploiting a gold deposit in the north of the country, following a legal victory against Canadian mining company Infinito Gold. This proposal comes despite a ban on open-pit mining in Costa Rica since 2010. Chaves emphasized the economic potential of the Crucitas gold deposit, located near the Nicaraguan border, and suggested finding a way to exploit it either through underground mining or by changing the law to allow open-pit mining. The area has been plagued by illegal miners using harmful chemicals, causing environmental damage. The government faces the challenge of balancing economic interests with environmental concerns and existing legislation as it considers how to proceed with the gold deposit.

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