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A hailstorm frosted Irazú Volcano on Friday

A glacial freeze on Irazú? An official said the national park has never seen anything like it before.

10 cool facts about Sony’s gorgeous flower eruption ad filmed at Costa Rica’s Irazú Volcano

How many petals were used? Did they use CGI? What random household object did Sony oddly donate to park officials?

TRAVEL ALERT: Heavy rains close road to Arenal Volcano

Tourists traveling to La Fortuna's famous Arenal Volcano and lake should take note of landslides along Route 142.

Experts detect increased activity at Turrialba Volcano

Turrialba Volcano National Park is maintaining a green (preventive) alert and is closed to the public.

Elbows in, knees together, back straight: Volcano boarding in Nicaragua

It’s not enough to climb a volcano. To really conquer it, try hurtling down on a piece of wood.

Turrialba Volcano calms, although vapor trails still visible

A National Emergency Commission preventive alert remains in effect in the area.

Turrialba Volcano spits massive ash and gas trail

Residents in four provinces reported seeing the volcanic activity.

Despite rumors, access to Poás Volcano is normal for all tourists

Rumors of smoke and gas threats are false, the National Park administration said.

NASA studies volcanoes in Costa Rica

Scientists use flying drones to conduct research in sulfur dioxide plumes and craters.

Inspection shows Rincón de la Vieja Volcano still active

Green alert for local residents and visitors to the national park still in effect.

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