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Marijuana brownies

Pot popsicle lands high (school) student in hospital 

Police reportedly called the girl’s parents and issued a public call for students to avoid anything handed to them in the street (like strange frozen things in plastic bags).

92 percent of California patients say medical marijuana works

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A 2013 survey in the New England Journal of Medicine found that nearly 8-in-10 doctors approved the use of medical marijuana. Now, a wide-ranging survey in the U.S. state of California finds that medical marijuana patients agree: 92 percent said that medical marijuana alleviated symptoms of their serious medical conditions, including chronic pain, arthritis, migraine and cancer.

Police arrest US man allegedly carrying pot brownies through Juan Santamaría Int’l Airport

A K-9 unit dog detected the special brownies inside a backpack belonging to the 58-year-old man. Dogs found the drugs while performing routine luggage inspections on two local flights arriving from the provinces of Guanacaste and Puntarenas.

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