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Transport Ministry says Cañas-Liberia highway expansion will help local businesses, but residents are wary

CAÑAS, Guanacaste – The widening to four lanes of the Inter-American Highway North, from Cañas to Liberia, is moving forward at full pace. A recent visit by The Tico Times to the construction site confirmed that the project already has changed the lives of hundreds of local residents who use the highway daily.

Lawmakers postpone vote on China loan until October

Costa Rica's lawmakers agreed to postpone until Oct. 12 discussion of a $395 million loan from the government of China to finance the expansion and renovation of Route 32, the main access highway to the province of Limón.

Costa Rica leader wants his name off bridges, buildings

"The worship of the image of the president is over, at least under my government," President Luis Guillermo Solís said.

Costa Ricans continue paying high gas prices but have the worst roads in Central America

The high fuel prices are due in part to Costa Rica's 29 percent gas tax, which goes directly to the National Roadway Council (CONAVI) for roadwork, but the tax revenue hasn't been able to improve the country's roads.

Business confidence drops to lowest levels in 2 years, says new survey

Business confidence in Costa Rica dropped by 10 percent compared to the same period last year, a survey by the Union of Private-Sector Chambers and Associations said. Confidence dropped in every sector surveyed.

Construction of northern section of Circunvalación route to begin next year

The Public Works and Transport Ministry this week awarded a $141 million contract to build a northern section of the Circunvalación, a belt route bordering the center of San José.

Transportation costs in Central America double those in Africa, says World Bank

Poor domestic competition and closed markets have pushed the cost of transporting goods in Central America to some of the highest in the world, according to a report issue by the World Bank on Thursday morning. But the quality of the region’s roads may not explain why.

Caribbean residents square off with opposition lawmaker over highway expansion delays

Limón residents angered by a delay in legislation to expand Route 32, the main highway connecting Costa Rica's capital with the Caribbean coast, descended on San José's Legislative Assembly Wednesday, and the target of their ire was Citizen Action Party lawmaker Manrique Oviedo.

Bridge inspections find faulty cement used on San José belt route

Two bridges currently under construction on a southern section of the Circunvalación – a belt route around the center of San José – were built with flawed cement, experts from the University of Costa Rica’s National Structural Materials and Models Laboratory announced following a much-anticipated inspection on Wednesday.

Bailey bridge temporarily open route on San José’s Circunvalación

A southern section of the capital's belt route that has been closed since August will reopen for limited daytime hours while workers install permanent bridges.

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