In December, the advocacy group Environmental Network Alliance hoped to bring green issues to the forefront of Costa Rica's presidential debates by scheduling an environmental forum for candidates. Only two of 13 candidates – Luis Guillermo Solís and José María Villalta – showed up.
BEIJING – The United States and China said Saturday that they have agreed to intensify efforts to address climate change and to work together to seek a common platform ahead of a global summit on the issue at the end of next year.
Warming temperatures and changing rain patterns favor harmful insects that attack the fruit, threatening the country's multi-million-dollar banana industry.
With a hybrid and electric model, CambYoCar could help ease Costa Rica's emissions problems. “Our goal here is to change the world,” says inventor Jesse Blenn.
Larry Kraft is a former high-tech exec traveling the world with his wife and two kids to learn about the environment and the effects of climate change. Here’s what he discovered in Costa Rica’s Monteverde Cloud Forest.
Organizers of the Planet, People and Peace Conference highlighted organic chocolatiers and an indigenous fair trade store as examples of environmentally-friendly and "sustainable" tourism.
Puntarenas, on Costa Rica’s central Pacific, is the province most affected by climate change, with damages in the six-year period reaching $164.5 million.
This Central American country of 14 million doesn’t make the list of the world’s top carbon emitters. But it is one of the countries that will suffer most from climate change.