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Donald Trump

Mike Pompeo advises Costa Rica about economic ties with China

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo urged Costa Rica to ally itself more strongly with the North American nation, rather than with China. 

President Alvarado asks U.S. Secretary of State to review Costa Rica travel advisory, FAA certification

The designation could impact Costa Rica's tourism industry, which is comprised heavily on U.S. visitors. 

‘No evidence’ Maduro willing to hold free elections, Pompeo says in Costa Rica

There's no sign Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is willing to hold free elections.

Pompeo calls on Ortega to cease Nicaragua repression

A small group of Nicaraguans demonstrated against Ortega outside the presidential palace in San José, where Pompeo had talks with Costa Rican President Carlos Alvarado.

Costa Rica will ask U.S. to ‘reconsider’ Level 2 travel advisory

Pompeo is touring Latin America and the Caribbean this week to strengthen relations with partner countries in the region.

Pompeo will discuss Nicaraguan ‘authoritarianism crisis’ during visit to Costa Rica

Pompeo is touring Latin America and the Caribbean this week to strengthen relations with partner countries in the region.

Pompeo visits Colombia, where he will meet with Guaidó

The head of US diplomacy, Mike Pompeo, will meet on Monday in Colombia with the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó, on his first stop of a three-day trip to Latin America and the Caribbean.

Terrorism and Venezuela will be focus for Pompeo in Costa Rica, Latin America

Pompeo will also thank President Carlos Alvarado for the constant condemnation of Costa Rica against the abuses of Nicolás Maduro.

U.S. Secretary of State to visit Costa Rica next week

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will arrive in San José, where he will meet President Carlos Alvarado,

United States will send some Mexican asylum seekers to Guatemala, DHS says

Many international observers say the country -- with 60 percent poverty -- is in no shape to welcome refugees but simply signed the agreement under intense US pressure.

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