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Costa Rica coffee

New Coffee Culture Taking Root Here

MATAGALPA Lesther Valladares, 32, grew up in the foothills of Nicaragua s prime coffee country. But like most other Matagalpinos, Valladares learned at a...

Nicaragua coffee exports heating up

Nicaraguan coffee exports shot up 48.9 percent in the first 10 months of the 2007-08 harvest compared with the year before, according to the...

Costa Rican Coffee May Be Outta This World

Astronauts and space tourists may soon enjoy Costa Rican-style coffee while in orbit thanks to a recent invention that works without gravity and uses...

Space booster? Costa Rican coffee could be outta this world

Astronauts and space tourists may soon enjoy Costa Rican-style coffee while in orbit thanks to a recent invention that works without gravity and uses...

Power Up Your Business With Coffee Water

Hortencia Solís stood beside a Frankenstein-like conglomeration of tubes, tubs and tanks in the backyard of coffee cooperative Coopedota. Brushing flakes of red paint from...

Costa Rican Coffee A Hot Item Online

Two coffee companies sold their brew this month through an online auction called the “Cup of Excellence” for $1,510 per 100 kilos, according to...

‘Cup of Excellence’ Competition Names Best Coffee

JINOTEGA – Nicaragua’s best cup of coffee this year comes from a small producer named Mauricio Esteban Vilchez in the Nueva Segovia province in...

Coffee Exports up 52% From Last Year

MANAGUA – Nicaraguan coffee exports grew 52.2% during the first five months of the 2007-08 harvest compared to the same time period last year,...

Tourism & Good Coffee Revive the Northern Zone

JINOTEGA – The rosy-red coffee cherries that José Luis Herrera has picked for the better part of his 22 years are sent to the...

Coffee Producers Sorting Finest Beans

With the harvest drawing to a close, Costa Rica's coffee growers have begun separating out the cream of their crops for the Taza de...

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