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The Tico Times

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Araya and Villalta trade blows at presidential debate focused on government corruption

Seven candidates took aim at the embattled administration of Laura Chinchilla in the two-hour debate on Monday night.

The Zen of leafy landscapes

"In the Blink of an Eye" meditates on nature at the National Theater.

Police out in force at beaches, festivals for tourist season

Costa Rica's National Police announced the outlines of "Operation Safe Summer," including at least 500 additional police for festivities in Palmares next week.

VIDEO: Costa Rican woman launched skyward by 1,100-pound bull

The 2013-14 Zapote festival in Costa Rica ended Sunday with one last epic bull attack.

VIDEO: Bullfights wrap up in Zapote

A glance at the madcap world of Costa Rican corrals.

Bullfights wrap up in Zapote

“Bullfighting is the only art in which the artist is in danger of death and in which the degree of brilliance in the performance...

Spain trying to mediate Panama canal cost crisis

Panama President Ricardo Martinelli warns Spain and Italy over canal row.

Election video spurs angry responses

An anonymous group and the ruling National Liberation Party respond to video attacks.

The newest routes for flying to Costa Rica in 2014

New Jersey, Florida, New York and Mexico all added new ways to get to San José.

Guatemala’s sugar industry rakes in profits thanks to high productivity, low wages

Christopher Columbus first brought sugar to the Americas in the 15th century. Since then it has transformed the political and social composition of the region. Here’s a look at one Central American country’s modern industry.

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