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Tico Times

37005 POSTS

Panama, in energy crisis, closes schools, universities

Government officials have been warning that the country, which normally has water to spare, is now perilously close to having to ration power.

Peña Nieto looks to energy reform to power Mexico forward

The Mexican president is expected to face considerable political wrangling from the powerful oil workers union, left-leaning lawmakers and interests groups, which are content with their slice of the status quo.

Heat wave sears Canada’s tulip festival

More than 100 heat records were broken across the country.

Study: U.S. immigration reform would cost $6.3 trillion

The Heritage Foundation said the millions of immigrants who would be legalized through "amnesty" would generate massive fiscal deficits over the long term.

Photos of U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to Costa Rica

Highlights of the two-day summit by Central American presidents and the U.S. president, taken by Tico Times photographers.

Brazil’s Azevedo wins WTO leadership race

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff: Azevedo's election could bring about a new world economic order.

Not exactly a book review

Retired Associated Press reporter Joseph Frazier, who covered the Sandinista Revolution in Nicaragua and the civil war in El Salvador, has a new memoir based on his reporting during the war years between 1979-1986. Dery Dyer reviews this great new book and shares personal insight into those difficult years.

Her boy was taken

A year after 19-year-old Ravi Thackurdeen drowned in a rip current in Costa Rica, his mother Ros remains paralyzed by grief.

Tico Boston Marathon hero back home for Obama’s visit

These days, Carlos Arredondo is a celebrity everywhere he goes – and with good reason: He’s taking more of life’s blows than anyone should have to endure. Yet he always seems to come out fighting. Now, he’s fighting to get veterans with depression the help they deserve.

Eric Toth, accused of child pornography, evaded authorities for 5 years

Authorities had warned Toth would not stop molesting children until he was caught.

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