MEDICAL workers, patients, residentsand representatives of theUniversidad Nacional (UNA) in Herediaall agree a new hospital is urgently neededin this northern Central Valley town.The university...
FOUR former functionaries of theCivil Aviation Administration receivedprison sentences Tuesday of betweenthree and nine years for corrupt practicesduring the administration of formerPresident José María...
COSTA Rica was shaken by more than6,000 earthquakes last year, although somewere nothing more than a shiver throughthe country’s faults.Regardless of size, seismologists at...
A three-month investigation by CasaAlianza Honduras in tandem with theTexas-based newspaper the DallasMorning News discovered the formerwhereabouts of a fugitive priest wanted inCosta Rica...
DEVELOPERS interested in any kindof project in Costa Rican territory thatcould potentially impact the environmentare required to obtain approval from theNational Technical Secretariat of...
THE Costa Rican Federation for theConservation of the Environment(FECON) on Saturday hosted the ThirdNational Forum on Energy Expansion,which this year focused on the potentialimpacts...
THE Bambuzal campesinos are goinghome. Or at least to what they claim istheir home.After more than two months campingin the Metropolitan Cathedral in downtownSan...
EARTHQUAKE experts are stillexpecting “the big one” in Costa Rica, butthey hope the newly revamped seismiccode will help minimize the effects offuture tremors on...
THE Free-Trade Agreement betweenCosta Rica and the 14-memberCaribbean Community (CARICOM) hasbeen sent to the Legislative Assemblyfor approval, the Ministry of thePresidency announced last week.The...