Toshi Seeger, who died Tuesday at 91, would spend years raising three children in a log cabin without electricity or running water, often by herself while her husband, Pete, taught banjo or played gigs at faraway schools for months at a time.
The head of Goicoechea's Diversity Office, Rodrigo Campos, said that the office’s two-month terms are designed to limit the effectiveness of the position and criticized the municipality for not properly funding it.
One teenage crash victim may have been run over by an airport fire engine rushing to the scene, San Francisco Fire chief Joanne Hayes-White told reporters on Monday.
Facebook opened Graph Search to a limited audience earlier this year, but it's rolling it out to everyone over the next couple of weeks, starting this week.
Interim President Adly Mansour issued a decree setting a timetable for a referendum on an amended constitution and parliamentary elections by the end of January.