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Peer support can = academic success

“We are stronger together than we are alone.” –Walter Payton

Honduras orders military into prisons after gun battle

A report Friday by the Inter-American Human Rights Commission warned that Honduran prison authorities had ceded control of prisons to inmates, citing a lack of manpower.

23rd Credomatic Music Festival kicks off in Costa Rica

Classical musicians from around the world will perform through August 18.

U.S. embassy, consulate closures backed on both sides of the aisle

The State Department extended the closure through Saturday for 19 embassies, consulates and smaller posts.

Call an end to war on al-Qaida

There are legal limits on who is properly viewed as a combatant and when war is an appropriate response to a threat. Those limits are rarely discussed.

As Windows XP reaches end of its lifecycle, businesses face big IT decisions

Medium-size firms in particular are far behind on upgrades because they are large enough for a transition to be complex and yet small enough that they don't have staff dedicated to this kind of decision-making, analysts say.

Costa Rican immigrants in Texas stay connected through social media

According to the U.S. Census, roughly 80,000 Costa Ricans live in the United States, compared to more than 11 million Mexicans, the largest immigrant group.

U.S. flying deportees deep into Mexico to avoid dangerous border

Flying deportees deep into Mexico could save lives by discouraging them from attempting another desperate illegal crossing, U.S. officials say.

Terrorism threat leads U.S. to close some embassies this weekend

On July 22, hundreds of prisoners, including senior al-Qaida figures, escaped from Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison. On July 27, more than 1,000 detainees escaped from detention in Benghazi. A July 30 Taliban attack on a prison facility in northwest Pakistan freed more than 250 prisoners.

Costa Rica’s top 10 hotel views

Check out these mind-blowing views of Costa Rica’s beautiful landscapes, picked by our Tico Times writers and photographers.

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