FORMER Seattle criminal attorneyLori Salo calmly considers her first-everventure onto the stage at the Little TheatreGroup’s Blanche Brown Theatre in thewestern suburb of Escazú, to star inAlejandro Casona’s classic romantic comedy,“Trees Die Standing Tall.”She joins an international medley ofthespians from the United States, CostaRica, Canada and Britain, a mix of youthand experience with cameo performances(nerves permitting) by two well-knownmembers of the canine community.In her role as Isabel, Salo must balancefantasy against reality, embarking on theillusion that will counteract the despair anddisappointment of her own existence andultimately lead her to accept deceptionwith the best of intentions.Spanish playwright AlejandroCasona’s prolific output of poems, playsand award-winning stories are knownthroughout the Spanish-speaking world,and many of his works are required readingin schools.With the outbreak of the Spanish civilwar, he left his homeland and, after travelingthrough several European and LatinAmerican countries, finally settled inBuenos Aires, where “Trees” was completedin 1949.The play opens within a mysteriousphilanthropic organization initially bafflingall as to its purpose. But its intentionsbecome clearer as a complex scheme ishatched using Isabel and other “partners”to hide a painful truth from Grandmother –except Granny is able to create her ownelements of truth and fiction in a finale youcan only appreciate by being there!At times bordering on farce, at times areflection of our darker side, this dramaticcomedy contains intrigue, ambiguity, love,lies and longing.With great delight and pride, the LittleTheatre Group brings one of Casona’s classicsto life under the experienced directionof Susan Liang.The play is showing Feb. 25 to March13; Feb. 27 is already bought out as aCanadian Club fundraiser. For information,call 203-3652.
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