RESIDENTS and visitors in CostaRica consumed 5.7% more oil in 2004compared to 2003, according to NationalOil Refinery (RECOPE) statistics publishedin the daily Al Día.Last year, consumers used approximately16.5 million barrels of oil, 1 millionmore than in 2003.Diesel gasoline was consumed morethan any other oil product, at 5.4 millionbarrels, followed by regular gasoline, at3.2 million barrels, and super gasoline, at2.1 million barrels, according to thereport.International oil prices increased 30%during the year and peaked in October at$55.67 a barrel.The price increase was mimicked inCosta Rica. In January, a liter of gas cost¢266.4 ($0.63 at the January 2004exchange rate), according to Al Día.Today a liter costs ¢355 ($0.77).In August, the government announceda campaign urging the responsible use ofgasoline (TT, Aug. 20).