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Monthly Archives: December, 2012

Route 1856: President Chinchilla’s nightmare

Costa Rican government has spent more than $40 million on the project, which has yet to be completed.

The ‘Big One’ hits, worse tragedy averted

A magnitude-7.6 quake off the coast of the Nicoya Peninsula on Sept. 5 made the record books as the country’s second-largest of all time.

Chill vibe, great food, craft beer at Kaya’s

A wooden cantina is the main attraction of Kaya’s, and what it makes it stand out among all the other hotels, hostels and lodges of Puerto Viejo.

A find in Dominical: The Jolly Roger

A beer and wings joint in Dominical serves ‘em up right.

Mayans today face discrimination, poverty

There are currently an estimated 20 to 30 million direct descendants of the ancient civilization.

What’s open and what’s closed

To help readers make their vacation and fiesta plans, here’s a list of what’s open and what’s closed in the weeks ahead:

Keeping a watchful eye on that salt

Nutrition in the news: How much salt is safe?

Costa Rican exports surpass annual goal

More goods sold to Europe boost November accumulated figures.

Increase in electricity rates approved, a new hike request filed

Costa Rican Chamber of Industries blames public employees’ high wages for increase requests.

United to fly non-stop between Chicago and Costa Rica

The airline also plans to launch a Washington-San José flight in coming days.

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