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Monthly Archives: April, 2007

Fear, Fun Reigned on Judas Night

Ah, the good old days, when nights were quiet, values were respected and everyone went to bed early after saying their prayers; when Semana...

Bradt Guide to Costa Rica a Winner

The Bradt line of travel guides has made a name for itself dealing with some pretty far-flung destinations. The African nations of Benin, Gabon...

Underwater Movie Project Aims to Conserve Oceans

A we l l - k n own mantra among divers and naturalists is: “We conserve what we love.” With that in mind, the...

Windsurfing 101 at Lake Arenal

At the far western end of north-central Costa Rica’s LakeArenal, with the volcano of the same name presiding in the distance, a strong and...

Nochebuena Museum at Irazú Volcano: The Facts and Figures Behind the Smoke

Costa Rica plays an active and spectacular part in the Ring of Fire, that circle of volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean known for its...

Caribbean Clears Up; Pacific Steady

Heavy rains that plagued fishermen on the northern Caribbean coast for a week or more cleared up early last week, and by Monday the...

Immigration Reforms Urgent, Director Says

A new and very different Immigration Law created by the administration of President Oscar Arias has finally made its way to the Legislative Assembly...

Park Debate Rages As Turtles Vanish

As the battle rages on over the interpretation of the 1995 law that created Las Baulas National Marine Park, in the northwestern province of...

The ABCs of Getting an RUC (Tax-Identification Number)

Registering for a tax-identification number, which in Nicaragua is known as a registro único de contribuyente, or RUC, is the first step to registering...

Must We Endure Hardship To Pay Our Telephone Bills?

The Pacific coast village of Nosara, in the northwestern province of Guanacaste, is having a problem with the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE). Until...

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