INSPIRATIONAL singer andcomposer Ahria will give a concertSunday at Unity Church in Piedadesde Santa Ana,southwest of SanJosé, to benefit TheBridge, a nonprofitorganization basedin Puerto Viejo deTalamanca, on thesouthern Caribbeancoast. Founded by U.S. citizens Barryand Nanci Stevens, the charity providesmicro-loans and educational andfood assistance to members of theBribrí indigenous community (TT,Dec. 24, 2004).The Stevenses are part of Unity’s150-member congregation. While at aconvention in San Diego, California,in February, they heard a performanceby Ahria, who is the music director atthe Seaside Unity Church of ReligiousScience in Encinitas, north of SanDiego. The singer was planning oncoming to Costa Rica for vacation, andcontacted Barry “with all the usualtourist questions,” he said. Over thecourse of their conversations, the ideato have a concert to help the Bribrícommunity was conceived.“Ahria’s music is very motivatingand uplifting,” Barry said. “She is veryexcited about giving the benefit concertat Unity.”The Bridge’s portion of the proceedswill go toward aiding families tobecome self-sufficient, as well as plansto expand and improve The Bridge’sfacilities and programs.The concert is scheduled to beginat noon, following Sunday service inEnglish at 10 a.m. and lunch at 11 a.m.The suggested donation is $15, or a“love offering” of any amount.Unity Church (203-4411) is located350 meters south of Restaurante ShangHai in Piedades de Santa Ana. Formore information about The Bridge,visit its Web site at
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